Individual and Society
Submitted by admin1 on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 00:00Every individual is required to lead his life keeping in view the interests of society and society should work towards the betterment of individuals.
Every individual is required to lead his life keeping in view the interests of society and society should work towards the betterment of individuals.
In the eyes of a sincere person pretensions lose their attraction.
The only way to avoid being harmed by others is to keep out of their firing line as much as possible.
You should like for others what you like for yourself, that is, you should treat others just as you want to be treated by others.
A man must prove his worth to have his due share of God’s gifts. We must never, therefore, neglect to make ourselves deserving of God’s nourishment.
In this world, losing and gaining are both forms of testing. The actual criterion of success and failure is how each has reacted to those situations.
In provocative situations one’s response should be well thought-out and positive.
The only initiative worth taking is one which will yield positive results. If one embarks on a destructive course of action it will be oneself that suffers.
The human personality contains huge, latent potential. This potential bursts out into the open when there is an eruption within one’s soul. It breaks free when some shattering disaster afflicts one.
Where resolve is required one should remain as solid as steel, where pliability is required, as soft as running water.