Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Discover God
Gifted with unusual capabilities, Professor Mohammad Mujeeb (1902-1985) ranked among the top intellectuals of Indian Muslims. Having received his education in Europe he was equally well-versed in English, German and French, besides Urdu. Just one of his innumerable accomplishments was his recitation of great stretches of Shakespeare by heart.
He held the post of Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia for a record period of 25 years, from 1948 to 1973. But fate was against him. In December 1972, he had to undergo a brain operation. This was a success in that it saved his life, but one result was that he lost his exceptional memory altogether. A master of five languages, he could not retain even the alphabets – not even that of Urdu. A man of cheerful disposition, who, when he would find someone in a dejected mood, would say, “Smile please, and look ahead,” was now himself reduced almost to a vegetable state.
He passed the rest of his life in this piteous state of near insanity in his residence in Okhla, New Delhi. On 20th January 1985, at the age of 82, he breathed his last.
In the Quran man is addressed thus:
“God created you, and He will cause you to die. Some of you shall have your lives prolonged to abject old age, when all that you once knew you shall know no more. God is knowing, Mighty.” (16:70)
Old age following youth serves as a reminder to man that he should be conscious of this reality. It is to make man learn that he has no knowledge of his own, and that everything in his possession is a gift from God. He can give or take away as He pleases. If man’s knowledge or power were innate, they could never be taken away. But the process of finding and losing indicates that man is only a recipient: nothing belongs to him.
We frequently come across such incidents. But we seldom take heed. Neither do the old people, who live through them learn any lesson from them, nor do the young who witness them.