Training and Education

By August 1945, Japan had been totally ruined having lost its political freedom as well as its economic stability. What Japan did subsequently was to refrain from touching the problem of political freedom and give its full thrust to economic stability. This policy proved so successful that Japan is today reckoned as an industrial super power. By 1990 Japan had already given five billion dollars credit to the world. It is estimated that by 1995 the amount of this credit will have increased to ten billion dollars. While in 1945, Japan was under the political subjugation of America; today America has been brought under the economic subjugation of Japan.

Mr. Abu Zar Ghefari, a Pakistani columnist, went to Kabul in May 1992, where he met a Japanese journalist. He asked him the reason for the breathtaking and incredible success of Japan, how it had actually happened that the impossible could be turned into the possible.

He replied that the secret of Japan’s striking success lay in the sterling character of the Japanese nation. He explained, moreover, that since they were not rich in natural resources, they considered their children to be their greatest resource. Each Japanese house had been turned into a training ground for the children. The Japanese spent their best resources on the education of children. That is why their nation of today is wholly literate. Illiteracy just does not exist in their country. If it is the head count of scientists which makes a nation scientific, then the Japanese nation can be truly called a scientific nation.

This training and education has produced high national character among the Japanese, for instance, the Japanese are truly a nationalist nation. If the nation suffers from a one-rupee loss, a Japanese will be willing to incur a 100-rupee loss to save the nation from loss, and he would be proud to do so. (Nawai Waqt, Lahore, July 12, 1992)

Japan completely shunned the path of confrontation with its opponent. Only then did it become possible for it to bring into existence a highly scientific society. This is the only way to success and progress in this world.