The Sunday Guardian

Prepare yourself for creator’s plan

Maulana Wahiduddln Khan | The Sunday Guardian | June 7, 2015

Man is born as a living creature. After taking birth he passes through different relationships. First, the family relationship which is based on blood, second comes the social relationship which is based on environmental requirements, and then professional relationships which are based on worldly interests, and so on. It its while going through these processes that a person reaches the age of maturity.

Blessings of God are aplenty

Maulana Wahiduddln Khan | The Sunday Guardian | May 31, 2015

The fourth caliph of Islam, Ali ibn Abi Talib, once observed: "Araftu Rabbi bi faskhil azaaim" (Quwwat u1Quloob). That is, "I realised God by having failed in my planning." This phenomenon is a very common experience.

There is no doubt about it that one often fails to accomplish the plan one had set out for oneself. This serves as a reminder to the person that there is a factor greater than his own self and this factor is, no doubt, none other than God Almighty Himself.