The Sunday Guardian

Law of nature helps us progress

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I February 15, 2015

According to a report published in the Times of India (18 August 2013, p. 12), a survey of the world's 100 richest people revealed that the majority of them did not inherit their economic fortunes. 73% of them were "self-made". Of these, 18% had no college education, and 36% were the children of poor parents.

Culture of the universe is peace

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I February 8, 2015

There are many names of God Almighty in the Quran. One of the names of God is As-Salam, that is, Peace. Thus, God Himself is peace. There is a prayer of the Prophet of Islam: "O God, You are peace, peace comes from You, peace returns to You. Bless us so that we can live in peace" (Bukhari). Thus, peace is very important in Islam.

Purify oneself and deserve heaven

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I February 1, 2015

According to God's creation plan, this world is a "testing ground". But why this test, one might ask. This test of life is not a test for its own sake. Rather, it is a means to record how each one of us responds to the different situations that we face in our lives and to identify who among us is deserving of eternal life in heaven.

Looked at in this way, one can say that this world is a world of opportunities for us.

Do not waste what you did not create

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I January 25, 2015

The Quran relates that whoever kills a human being, except as a punishment for murder or for spreading corruption in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all humankind. (5:32)

According to the divine law, killing another human being without a legitimate reason is the most serious crime. The Quran describes such a murder as equal to the massacre of the whole of humanity.