General Media

The Concept of Jihad

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Pioneer | August 17, 1997| Page 5

Jihad is regularly misconstrued as war, with all its connotations of violence and bloodshed. However, in the Islamic context, and in the literal sense, the word jihad simply means a struggle — doing one’s utmost to further a worthy cause. This is an entirely peaceful struggle, with no overtones even of aggression. The actual Arabic equivalent of war is qital, and even this is meant in a defensive sense.

In the service of God and man

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Pioneer | October 12, 1997 | Page 5

All the teachings of Islam are based on two basic principles — worship of God and service of men. Without putting both of these principles into practice, there can be no true fulfillment of one’s religious duties.

Islam inculcates in its followers the spirit of love and respect for all human beings. But serving human beings, on the one hand they please their God, and on the other achieve spiritual progress for themselves.

The Concept of Peace in Islam

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Pioneer | November 9, 1997 | Page 5

If you read the Quran carefully, you will find that it is a book of peace. For example, the very first verse of the Quran reads: In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the most Compassionate. This verse, which is repeated in the Quran 114 times, clearly shows that the God of Islam is the God of Mercy and Compassion, and the book of Islam too is the book of mercy. The people of Islam must also possess the quality of mercy and compassion, otherwise they could not be true believers.