General Media

A Conversation With Maulana Wahiduddin Khan-New York Times

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I New York Times | 27th January 2012

Following the controversy over author Salman Rushdie’s appearance at the Jaipur Literature Festival, which ultimately ended with even a video conference with Mr. Rushdie being cancelled, India Ink is speaking with Muslim leaders about the situation, their feelings about his “The Satanic Verses” and whether politics played a part.

Towards the right thought

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Pioneer | Jan. 9, 2000 | Page 5

What is spirituality or rabbaniyat, to use the Quranic term? It is the elevation of man to a plane where the mind is focussed on the higher, non-material realities of a godly existence. It’s opposite is materialism, a course followed all too often in this world. To put it another way, he who focuses on mere appearances, is material-minded. And the one who rises above it is spiritual. He obeys the injunction of the Quran : “Be devoted servants of God” (3;79) or alternatively, “O people be godly servants of Allah.”

Islam in the Millennium

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Pioneer | Nov. 21, 1999 | Page 5

The 19th century saw a revolution in the mind. Under the influence of science, man believed that knowledge was very much within his reach and he could build his world. That changed by the end of the century when he realised that science could give but a partial knowledge of reality. And limited knowledge was an insufficient basis to construct an ideology. The initial phase of hope was delineated in Man Stands Alone written by British author Julian Huxley.