
Super Performers

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Feb 4, 2022

A book published in America in 1986, entitled Peak Performers, makes a study of the lives of a number of individuals in modern America who have played a heroic role in life. One point that the writer especially emphasises is that a great mission can trigger in a man the powerful urge to a superior effort which ultimately leads him to exceptional achievement.

The superiority of the truth

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Jan 16, 2022

Once an ‘alim (religious scholar) criticised his Shaikh (spiritual guide) and had a difference of opinion with him. Someone pointed out to the ‘alim that it was not proper for him to differ with his mentor. The ‘alim replied, “The Shaikh is dear to me, but the truth is dearer to me than the Shaikh.”