
Two Methods

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Dec 22, 2021

As the legend goes, the wind and the sun once challenged one another as to which one was more powerful than the other. The argument went on and on indefinitely. Then both decided to demonstrate their respective powers on an object, and whoever won was to be acknowledged the more powerful.

The News of The Last Day

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Jan 22, 2022

A high-intensity earthquake lasting 45 seconds with its epicenter at Almora, U.P., rocked northern India at a quarter to twelve, midnight, on October 20, 1991. With the same jolts, which could be felt even as far away as Delhi, hundreds of houses collapsed, about a thousand people were killed and more than three thousand were injured.

The Reason Behind Negative Mentality

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Dec 8, 2021

In daily conversation, people regularly fall to complaining. When you talk to anyone, everyone will speak in the language of complaint. Everyone will talk in the most negative terms. The most common complaints are targeted at some person or some nation or some human group. This happens with people everywhere—this is the attitude that has made people turn away from any feeling of gratitude to God.