Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

On Religion

Religion is inherent in every action of the true believer just as dye is inherent in every drop of coloured water. The words and deeds of such a person bear the stamp of his faith. With the dis¬covery of God grows a new personality which is reflected in every action. Religion and the person become inseparable.

On Self Control

Peaceable behaviour is indicative of self-control. Self-control is undoubtedly a very great strength: it saves man from engaging in negative activities like violence. One who does not have the power of self control will be enraged at times of provocation and will hurl himself into violent activities.

The Example of a Bird’s Nest

The difference between peace and violence is aptly illustrated by the building of a bird’s nest. A nest can be constructed only by a peaceful effort. Violence can only destroy it, not build it. The same is true of human life. If any constructive work is to be achieved in life, it must be through peaceful efforts. Violence can only destroy life. It cannot build it.