Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Unfold Your Mind

Heart is not simply a source of circulation of blood. That is just one aspect of the heart. There is another aspect; that is, it records your findings, your achievements. So, the heart is destined to record all your experiences at every beat. You have to, therefore, acquire new experience constantly, every moment, every second; otherwise, your register will be left blank. It might seem difficult. But your mind has enormous capacity to do this job. If a mechanical computer can make a billion calculations in a second, why can a mind not? Mind is a super computer. Mind is a living computer.

Understanding the Quran

To understand the Quran the ulema say you need to know eighteen disciplines. But in reality to understand the Quran you need three things: the Arabic language, taddabbur, and dua. If you read the translation you can only get the basics, you will not understand its profoundness. However, knowing Arabic is not enough. You need honesty and sincerity. Moreover, you have to know the modern framework. If you read traditional books you will not discover the Quran in the new framework. You have to know the age you are living in.