The Sunday Guardian

Defeat unleashes our potential

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I 23rd Dec. 2012 I Page 12

The atom is the final unit of matter, just as the individual is the final unit of society. If one succeeds in breaking an atom one does not destroy it; rather one converts it into a greater force, known as atomic energy. Matter is energy in a solid form and energy is matter in a dispersed form.

Consider no one as your enemy

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I 9th Dec. 2012 I Page 12

Jim Corbett once wrote: "No tiger attacks a human being unless provoked." People who live in jungles where tigers roam will confirm the truth of Jim Corbett's words. There is usually no cause for concern when one comes face to face with a tiger. Unless it is provoked — or harbours deep-rooted suspicion of human beings — the beast will ignore one and continue on its way.

We must practise patience as a duty

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I 2nd Dec. 2012 I Page 12

If you happen to be in an open field when it starts to rain, you hasten to find shelter. This is not cowardice, this is realism. Similarly, when there is an earthquake, you immediately leave your home for an open space. This too is not defeatism, but an acknowledgement of the reality of nature. Where some difficulty arises between man and nature, the solution to the problem lies only in acknowledgment, not in confrontation.