General Media

Peshawar And Nairobi Attacks Completely Anti-Islamic

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | September 26, 2013 |

In just the last couple of days, there have been two deadly attacks orchestrated by self-styled Muslims, killing huge numbers of people—the attack on the church in Peshawar and the shopping mall in Nairobi. Attacks on, and persecution of, non-Muslim minorities have escalated in recent years in many Muslim-majority countries.

Peshawar, Nairobi Attacks Un-Islamic

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | | September 26, 2013

In just the last couple of days, there have been two deadly attacks orchestrated by self-styled Muslims, killing many people—the attack on a church in Peshawar and a shopping mall in Nairobi. Attacks on, and persecution of, non-Muslim minorities have escalated in recent years in many Muslim-majority countries.

Interview on Education: 'Modern' and 'Religious'

Interview with Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on Education: 'Modern' and 'Religious'I Pakistan Christian Post I  August 20, 2013

Founder of the New Delhi-based Centre for Peace and Spirituality, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is one of India’s best-known religious scholars and an active proponent of inter-community dialogue. In this interview with Yoginder Sikand he reflects on issues to do with ongoing debates about ‘modern’ education and what these mean for our understandings of religion and spirituality.