General Media

Islam does not permit extremism

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I I May 01, 2013

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan of India is known worldwide for his teachings on modern Islam, non-violence, and interfaith harmony. He has authored more than 200 books, including, most recently, "The Prophet of Peace" and "Jihad, Peace and Inter-Community Relations in Islam". An expert in religious affairs, Khan lectures on several popular television channels.

Fethullah Gülen a great blessing for Turkey

Indian scholar: Fethullah Gülen a great blessing for Turkey | fethullahgü | 8th June ‘12

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, an Islamic scholar in India, has praised the Hizmet movement and its activities for helping Turkey get rid of negative and biased views about Islam and transforming it into a much-admired center for more self-aware Muslims.

Dialogue on Religion and Globalization

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Media Coverage | January 2012 

Though free trade among nations may have led to the coinage of the word globalisation, it is spirituality alone that can truly imbibe and disseminate the true spirit of this term.

Keeping this in mind, heads and scholars of different religions came together on a single platform created by NGO, Der Missionszentrale der Franziskaner, Bonn, in collaboration with the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary to discuss the role of religion in globalisation at Mater Dei School in New Delhi recently.