Principles of Life

Bringing Order Out of Chaos

The world of nature is a world of order. How different is the world of man, where human affairs so often descend into chaos, because the members of society flout those very principles which should bring order into their lives. Social living, if it is to be successful, should be regulated by laws which are as inexorable as the laws of nature. These laws can be effective, however, only if man fully grasps the necessity to adhere to them. He must realize that society without order is like a factory without electricity. It simply will not work.

Banish Despair

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Principles of Life

Adverse circumstances can arouse latent potential and act as a spur to greater and more determined action. That great souls are the product not of ease but of adversity is borne out by history.

The Evils of Jealousy

Of all the independent Muslim Kingdoms that arose on the ruins of the Delhi Sultanate, the most powerful was the Bahmani Kingdom of the Deccan, which was established in 1347 after a revolt against Sultan Mohammed Bin Tughlaq. The first ruler, Nasiruddin Shah, ageing and ease-loving as he was, soon made way for one better fitted to govern, Hasan Gangu, who traced his ancestry back to the ancient King Bahman of Iran.

A Refusal to Suffer

Whenever we analyse suffering, we fond that there are two main features to it. One is the thing which causes the suffering and the other is our own reaction to it. We should take courage from Thelma Thomson’s example, and so control our reaction that suffering is finally eliminated.