Principles of Life

The Learner-Teacher

Having a mission in life is the greatest spur to achievement. Within a few days of landing in Bombay, in November 1922, a young Spanish priest by the name of Fr. Henry Heras found himself in the presence of the St. Xavier’s College, Bombay. He met the principal of the college. The young priest was a historian, and had a degree in Spanish history. “Which branch would you like to teach?” the principal asked him. “Indian History,” Fr. Heras replied. “What do you know about Indian history? the principal asked him. Fr.

The Spiritual Versus the Material

An international technological exhibition was held in New Delhi in 1961, in which a large number of countries participated. The American pavilion became the centre of people's attention, drawing the crowds away from other pavilions because it had an air motorcar on display.

The visitors, (myself included) gathered on a field to watch the spectacle, The driver first drove it on the ground like an ordinary car, then raised it: about 4 feet above the ground, circled the field several times, then brought it down on to the ground again.

Some Earn the World, Others Eternity

A man set on making money, chooses a lucrative profession and devotes all his time and energies to it. If his efforts yield financial reward, well and good. If not, he is upset about his choice of profession. If he is after fame and prestige, he looks for a career which holds the promise of publicity. He thrives on popularity and esteem. If these things elude him, he feels as if all is lost. If a man is thirsty for power, his overriding ambition is to rule others. He longs to have people under him and to control their fortunes.

Who Should Preach?

A sage once said that the desire to preach should have the same compulsive quality about it as the desire to satisfy any other normal human urge. Preaching is not like playing a record; nor should it be aimed at eliciting applause from an appreciative audience. Preaching is an externalisation of inner conviction. It is communication to others of a discovered reality to be a living witness to a truth long hidden from people’s eyes. This does not mean just putting a few words together; it is an extremely difficult task.