Principles of Life

Real Success and Failure

Some seem to be successful in this world and others appear to have failed. For this reason people have come to think of success and failure as confined to this world. Heaven and hell have become for them things of this world, not the next.

All too Soon

Man seeks wealth, honour, power and offspring in this world. He does all he can to obtain these things, but death shows him that his desires cannot be fulfilled in this world. He cannot find in this ephemeral world what he longs for above all else.

The Greatest Calamity

The greatest calamity afflicting our world is that one million people die every day. No one knows, of those who are alive today, who will be dead tomorrow. Every one of us shall taste death, but no one knows when death will come. We do not know which of our fellow men will leave this world tomorrow, and who will remain to receive this message.

Every one of us is hastening towards this fate. Everyone who is alive today is in danger of dying tomorrow. Then we will not have the chance to warn others, nor they the chance to listen.

Man-made Dwarfism

Human babies are the most tender and weak of all the babies of living creatures. It, therefore, needs its parents’ care and guidance for its physical and mental growth for a longer period. This is why nature has endowed parents with a special attraction for their offspring.

In the past, the separation of children from their parents was caused only by emergency situations—war or occasional premature death. In normal circumstances, it was taken for granted that the children would enjoy the protection of their parents for as long as they required it.