Search for Truth


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Search for Truth

A young player, who had participated in a big football match for the first time, wrote to his father after his team had been defeated: “Our opponents had discovered a great gap in our defense line, and that was me.”


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Search for Truth

An express train tears at full speed towards its destination. A continuous spectacle of lush crops and brimming streams and brooklets flashes by on either side. However much the scene attracts attention towards itself, the express train shows no interest in it. It ploughs through plain and mountain, over land and river, without reducing its speed. Small stations are dotted along the line, but even they do not interrupt the train’s motion. It carries on, as if it will stop nowhere.

Islam: The End of the Search for Truth

Man’s search for truth can come to a successful end when he finds answers to his questions at an intellectual level. To achieve such a purposeful existence is the greatest quest of man’s life. Everyone is motivated, consciously or unconsciously, by this demand of human nature, everyone at one time or another suffers from a sense of frustration, with or without sad experiences. To make one’s life meaningful, therefore one has to discover its purpose. One should be extremely sincere and honest in this respect.