General Media

تاريخِ مذهب كےدودور

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Roznama Khabrein New Delhi I February 7, 2014 I Page 4

مذهبي نقطه نظر سے تاريخ كے دو دور هيں — دورِ شرك، دورِ الحاد- پيغمبر اسلام صلي الله عليه وسلم كے ظهور سے پهلے هزاروں سال تك دنيا ميں شرك (polythiesm) كا غلبه تھا- موجوده زمانه عمومي تقسيم كے اعتبار سے، الحاد (atheism) كا زمانه هے- تاهم الحاد انكارِ مذهب كا نظريه هے، جب كه سيكولرزم مذهب كے بارے ميں عملاً ناطرف داري كا نظريه-

The Prophet and Peace

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Pakistan Christian Post I September 28, 2013

The Prophet Muhammad received his first Divine revelation in Makkah in the year 610 C.E. God had appointed him to spread the message of tawhid or the oneness of God. Now, with regard to this mission there was a major issue that he had to deal with. And this was that the Ka‘aba, which is in Makkah and which the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael had built for the worship of the one God, had, in later times, been converted into a centre for polytheism. 360 idols had been installed therein.